In this article, you will discover how to run workflow-based processes in the Gamfi application using the API.
To start the process in the Gamfi application use the method and endpoint:
+ /api/app_api_admin.php/v2/workflows/integration/process
Example cURL:
curl --location 'https://{app_name}' \In place:
--header 'X-Samus-Authorization-Api-Key: {apiKey} ' \
--header 'X-Samus-Authorization-Api-Secret: {apiSecret} ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"employee_email": "",
"workflow_id": "3f9a81c3-132c-4660-b459-2226805b1d80",
"key_date": "2024-01-01"
- {app_name} - insert the name of your application
- {apiKey} - insert API key
- {apiSecret} - insert API secret
The request structure should contain the following data:
- "employee_email": the email address of the user for whom you are running the process
- "workflow_id": ID of the workflow, based on which you want to run the process
- "key_date": the key date in the process in the format YYYY-MM-DD
In addition, you can pass more datatypes within the request, such as:
- "employee_forename": user's name
- "employee_surname": the user's last name
- "employee_phone": the user's phone number
- "employee_company": the user's company ID (check Getting list of companies)
- "manager_forename": the manager's first name
- "manager_surname": manager's last name
- "manager_email": manager's email address
- "manager_phone": manager's phone number
Example URL:
curl --location 'https://{app_name}' \
--header 'X-Samus-Authorization-Api-Key: ' \
--header 'X-Samus-Authorization-Api-Secret: ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"employee_forename": "John",
"employee_surname": "Doe",
"employee_email": "",
"employee_phone": "48123123123",
"employee_company": "714f3759-d2a4-4ccb-ae6e-ae05e9b2c515"
"manager_forename": "Jane",
"manager_surname": "Doe",
"manager_email": "",
"manager_phone": "48123123124",
"workflow_id": "3f9a81c3-132c-4660-b459-2226805b1d80",
"key_date": "2024-01-01"
If the answer is correct, you will receive a status (200).
⚠️ If the user (employee / manager) does not have an account with Gamfi, starting the process will create a new account using the details provided.