How to check the completion level of business sequences?

If you use business sequences (check out how to do it here) you can also generate a report on their execution.

Under the "Processes" tab, select "Download Report" and point to "Business Sequences."

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The panel will generate and download to your computer an .xlsx (Microsoft Excel) file with a list of all Processes in the Application along with the data.

⚠️Hasn't the file download process started? Check if your browser is blocking downloads (you may then see a message like the one below).
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Report downloaded? Now let's take a look at its contents 🤓

In the document you will find the following data on Processes:

  • Employee name - the name of the specific employee being deployed
  • E-mail - e-mail address of the employee being deployed
  • Workflow (name) - the name of the Workflow on the basis of which the Process for the employee is launched
  • Workflow (category) - Workflow category (e.g. Onboarding, Pre-onboarding, Offboarding, New Role).
  • Created - date the Process was started
  • Key date - the key date for the Process (in the case of the onboarding Process it will be the first day of work, learn more)
  • Status (delivered) - the number of delivered Actions in a Process (how many Actions scheduled in a given Process on a Workflow basis have already been delivered)
  • Status (%) - the percentage of Actions delivered to the Actions planned in the Process (e.g., 10 Actions were released in the Process, and 20 were planned - result: 50%)
  • Progress (completion) - the number of completed Actions in the Process
  • Progress (%) - the percentage of Actions completed to Actions delivered in the Process (e.g., 10 Actions were delivered in the Process and 6 were completed - result: 60%)

The names of all the business sequences created in wrkflow will appear in the following columns, and each of them will be presented in four columns:

  • Status (delivered) - the number of Actions from a given Business Sequence that have already been delivered in the Process / the number of Actions scheduled in the sequence to be delivered
  • Status (%) - the percentage of Actions delivered to the Actions planned within a given Business Sequence
  • Progress (completion) - the number of Actions from the Business Sequence that have already been completed / the number of Actions delivered within the Business Sequence.
  • Progress (%) - percentage of Actions completed to Actions delivered in a given Business Sequence