If you use business sequences (check out how to do it here) you can also generate a report on their execution.
Under the "Processes" tab, select "Download Report" and point to "Business Sequences."
The panel will generate and download to your computer an .xlsx (Microsoft Excel) file with a list of all Processes in the Application along with the data.
⚠️Hasn't the file download process started? Check if your browser is blocking downloads (you may then see a message like the one below).
Report downloaded? Now let's take a look at its contents 🤓
In the document you will find the following data on Processes:
- Employee name - the name of the specific employee being deployed
- E-mail - e-mail address of the employee being deployed
- Workflow (name) - the name of the Workflow on the basis of which the Process for the employee is launched
- Workflow (category) - Workflow category (e.g. Onboarding, Pre-onboarding, Offboarding, New Role).
- Created - date the Process was started
- Key date - the key date for the Process (in the case of the onboarding Process it will be the first day of work, learn more)
- Status (delivered) - the number of delivered Actions in a Process (how many Actions scheduled in a given Process on a Workflow basis have already been delivered)
- Status (%) - the percentage of Actions delivered to the Actions planned in the Process (e.g., 10 Actions were released in the Process, and 20 were planned - result: 50%)
- Progress (completion) - the number of completed Actions in the Process
- Progress (%) - the percentage of Actions completed to Actions delivered in the Process (e.g., 10 Actions were delivered in the Process and 6 were completed - result: 60%)
The names of all the business sequences created in wrkflow will appear in the following columns, and each of them will be presented in four columns:
- Status (delivered) - the number of Actions from a given Business Sequence that have already been delivered in the Process / the number of Actions scheduled in the sequence to be delivered
- Status (%) - the percentage of Actions delivered to the Actions planned within a given Business Sequence
- Progress (completion) - the number of Actions from the Business Sequence that have already been completed / the number of Actions delivered within the Business Sequence.
- Progress (%) - percentage of Actions completed to Actions delivered in a given Business Sequence