How to check the progress of ongoing Processes?

You can find all running Processes in the Application (regardless of their current status) in the "Processes" tab.

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The table displays the following data:

  1. Name of the employee affected by the Process
  2. Progress of the Process with the number of Actions (performed / to be performed)
  3. Created Date (Date of Process Creation)
  4. Key Date 
  5. Workflow - selected template for a running Process
  6. Manager - assigned to the Process Manager

The "Progress" column provides information on the status of the Process and its progress.

There are 5 statuses of Processes:

  • Ongoing - marked by a green label with a percentage value

  • Ongoing but overdue - marked with a red percentage label

  • Paused - marked with an orange label that reads "paused"

  • Canceled - marked with an orange label that reads "CANCELLED"

  • Completed - marked with a green label that says "COMPLETED"

What does each status mean?

  • Ongoing - the Process continues smoothly without reservation, all roles assigned to the Process perform their tasks on time
  • Ongoing, but overdue - The process is ongoing, but some of the tasks for the Employee or Manager are overdue (not completed by the established deadline)
  • Paused - The process has been stopped, all Action and information has been stopped and removed from the Employee Portal.
    ⚠️ The process can be resumed at any time.
  • Canceled - The process has been canceled, all Actions and information have been stopped irretrievably and deleted from the Employee Portal.
    ⚠️ The process cannot be resumed again.
  • Completed - The Process has been completed and all tasks passed by all roles in the Process (Employee / Manager).

What do the numbers next to ongoing statuses mean?

The numbers accompanying ongoing Processes (e.g., 18% 2/11 Actions) indicate how many Actions have been completed by the participants in the Process (Employee/Manager) and how many Actions count for the entire Process. Example: 18% 2/11 Actions:

  • a total of 11 Actions are planned in the Process
  • a total of 2 Actions were performed in the Process which is 18%

Do you need to export data of the processes?

Download the Summary Process Report. Go to your Panel, to the "Processes" tab and click the "Download report" button, then "Processes" or "Processes (tasks only)" (in the second case, the report omits the Email and sms Action scheduled in Processes).

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The panel will generate and download to your computer an .xlsx (Microsoft Excel) file with a list of all Processes in the Application along with the data. 

⚠️ Hasn't the file download process started? Check if your browser is blocking downloads (you may then see a message like the one below).
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Report downloaded? Now let's take a look at its contents 🤓

In the document you will find the following data on Processes:

  • Employee name - the name of the specific employee being deployed
  • E-mail - e-mail address of the employee being deployed
  • Workflow (name) - the name of the Workflow on the basis of which the Process for the employee is launched
  • Workflow (category) - Workflow category (e.g. Onboarding, Pre-onboarding, Offboarding, New Role).
  • Created - date the Process was started
  • Key date - the key date for the Process (in the case of the onboarding Process it will be the first day of work, learn more)
  • Status (delivered) - the number of delivered Actions in a Process (how many Actions scheduled in a given Process on a Workflow basis have already been delivered)
  • Status (%) - the percentage of Actions delivered to the Actions planned in the Process (e.g., 10 Actions were released in the Process, and 20 were planned - result: 50%)
  • Progress (completion) - the number of completed Actions in the Process
  • Progress (%) - the percentage of Actions completed to Actions delivered in the Process (e.g., 10 Actions were delivered in the Process and 6 were completed - result: 60%)
  • Employee (plan) - the number of scheduled Process Actions for an employee
  • Employee (delivered) - number of Actions delivered intended for the employee
  • Employee (done) - the number of Actions completed by the employee
  • Employee (%) - the percentage of Actions completed by the employee to the Actions provided to him/her in the Process (e.g., 10 Actions were provided in the Process, but the employee has completed only 6 of them so far - result: 60%)
  • Manager - the name of the manager in the Process
  • Manager (plan) - the number of scheduled Actions in the Process for the manager
  • Manager (delivered) - the number of Actions delivered intended for the manager
  • Manager (done) - the number of Actions completed by the manager
  • Manager (%) - the percentage of Actions completed by the manager to the Actions delivered to him/her in the Process (e.g., 10 Actions were delivered in the Process, but the manager has completed only 6 of them so far - result: 60%)

    If there are other roles (e.g. buddies) involved in the Process besides the employee and manager, you will also see data on them. 

How to read data from the report? 🧐

The report contains a lot of interesting data on how the Processes are going for their participants.

You will check in it:

  • At what stage of the Process the employee is (whether realistically he has already completed it or maybe not yet),
  • What percentage of the Action the employee made,
  • Whether the manager (or any other Role in the Process) is engaged and completing its tasks,
  • Which employees (by name) perform personalized roles (e.g., Buddy, HRBP or IT support) in Processes,
  • How the various roles are going in carrying out their tasks.