1. Knowledge base
  2. Set a standard - create a Workflow
  3. Actions - the "puzzles" that make up the Workflow

How to communicate knowledge and information to the user in the Process?

Use the ‘Page’ or ‘Stories’ Actions for this. Match the form of information presentation to the stage of the Process or the volume of content.

In this article you will learn:

Zrzut ekranu 2024-09-25 o 13.20.42

What is the Page action?

The Page action is a type of article in which a larger batch of knowledge or information can be conveyed. 

An entire article can be created by:

  • adding text, formatting it, using headings and paragraphs,
  • adding graphics directly from a location on the computer,
  • using bulleted and numeric lists,
  • embedding videos from YouTube or Vimeo,
  • adding Snippets
  • creating tables.

The material thus prepared can be verified in the ‘Preview’ tab and see how it will look in the User's view.

The user completes the Action by scrolling down (moving to the end of the article) and clicking on the button that activates.

How to add a Page Action to Workflow?

As is the case with other Actions added to Workflow, the ‘Page’ tile in the workflow builder is grabbed and dragged (drag&drop) to an appropriate place in the path you are preparing.

In the Editor tab, we prepare the content of the task, which can be previewed in the Preview tab. 

The Page action has the same Settings as the other Actions: you can configure the Name, Recipient, Delivery Time, Execution Time, and also set the conditions for joining it to the Process. 

What is the Stories Action?

The Relationship Action is a form of knowledge and information transfer known from social media in the form of Cards, which are successive slides.

It works perfectly when the user is using the mobile version of the app (e.g. at the pre-boarding stage). However, it can also be displayed in the app view on a computer.

The user is introduced to successive Cards, which can present:

  • texts (in the form of a headline and description),
  • graphics,
  • redirections to other pages, 
  • AI-generated videos,
  • quizzes.

How to add a Stories Action to Workflow?

You can find the Stories Action in the Workflow builder in the ‘Add New’ section - as with other Actions, you just need to drag it to the right place in the Workflow and then configure its settings. Check out how to do this step by step.

Step 1 - Configure Settings

As with other Actions, in the Settings tab you can give a name, indicate the recipient of this Action, the time of delivery and the deadline for execution. Remember that you can also use Conditions: set conditions for attaching an Action to a Process based on the Category and/or Location of the user, or resulting from the completion of another Action. You also have Alerts at your disposal, i.e. automatic notifications going out to the User if the deadline for completing this Action is missed.

Step 2 - Prepare the Stories landing page

The landing page is a Stories element that you can activate to make it visible to the User, or turn off.  You can enter a short text and choose one of the icons prepared by Gamfi to match the character of Stories.

Step 3: Develop the structure and edit the content

You create the structure of Stories based on the Stories elements. Use the appropriate field types to build Stories. Drag the selected field into the hierarchy section to add another slide to the Stories. 

You have a choice of Fields:

  • Card - in this field you need to add a Title (headline) and, optionally, you can complete a Description and add an image in PNG, JPG or GIF format up to 10 MB in size and dimensions: 
    • 375px x 325px 
    • 750px x 650px
    • 1500px x 1300px
  • Video - in this field you need to add a Title (headline), select a Voice Actor from the drop-down list and enter the text (maximum of 1000 characters) that will be read out by this Actor in the video. Once you have added all the elements, click on the ‘Generate’ button - after a while you will be able to watch the video before it is published.
  • Quiz - in this field you need to add a Title (headline), plus an optional short description. Add the answer options below and indicate which one is correct (tick the checkbox on the right). Remember that the answers given in this Quiz will not be saved anywhere - treat this tab as a field to increase user engagement and require interaction on your part. 
  • Button - in this field you need to add a Title (headline), plus an optional short description. Below this, enter the link you want to redirect the User to and in the ‘Button’ field the text you want to appear on the redirect button. The indicated page will then open in a new tab.

You can drag each of these fields into Stories in the same way you do when adding Actions to Workflow (on a drag&drop basis). These fields are treated as separate slides displayed to the User within that Action.

Step 4: Prepare a summary

The summary is a regular part of every Stories. You can prepare a short thank-you note for filling it in and match it with an appropriate icon.

Step 5: Preview the Share

By going to the ‘Preview’ tab, you can see how Stories will look in User view - both mobile and desktop.

Step 6: Publish the Action

Stories, like any Action you create in Workflow, is automatically given a ‘Draft’ status. Remember to publish it - only then will it be included in Processes.

And done! Stories will be included in ongoing Processes where it is a Future Action (if you are modifying an existing workflow) or will appear in all newly launched Processes.