1. Knowledge base
  2. Set a standard - create a Workflow
  3. Actions - the "puzzles" that make up the Workflow

How to personalise communication with users?

Use Snippets - a tool that allows you to personalize the Action content in your Workflows, thus providing an even better user experience for everyone involved in the Processes.

Snippets are tags that, being inserted into new Actions (Email, SMS and form), dynamically insert data from the Application (e.g., regarding a Process, employee or other Role), personalizing the content associated with the Action.

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To use Snippets, enter the edit Action (Email, SMS or form) and drag the appropriate item (Snippet) from the right sidebar to the Action work screen [click and hold the selected item (Snippet) on the right and then flip it to the editor in the center]. After dragging it to the appropriate place, the Snippet will change its appearance - it will be assigned an appropriate category, e.g. Process, Employee or HRBP, etc.


💡 Examples:

You can create an SMS Action in which you use Snippets to inform a new employee about his/her first day at work, who his/her manager is or what location he/she will be working in. You can achieve all this through Snippets.

You can create an Email Action (e.g., a welcome email to an employee), where the sender of the message will be the manager (by inserting appropriate Snippets in the sender field) and the content will be important information about the first day at work. 


You can use Snippets in each new SMS, Email or Form Action, which apply to Process, Employee and each custom Role. Below is the list of available Snippets.

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  • Workflow name - returns the name of the Workflow on the basis of which the Process is running
  • Key Date - returns the key date in the Process (learn more here)
  • Process Duration - returns how many days the process will last
  • Until the end of the Process - returns the number of days until the end of the Process (taking into account when the Snippet is displayed)
  • Progress in the Process - returns overall progress within the Process
  • First Action Date- returns the date of the first Action of the Process

Employee and roles:

  • Forename - the forename of the employee or manager from the Process
  • Surname - the surname of the employee or manager from the Process
  • E-mail - e-mail address of an employee or manager from the Process
  • Phone  - phone number of an employee or manager from the Process.

Need additional Snippets? No problem!

Learn how to create custom categories, locations and custom fields - each of which will be an additional Snippet.

Remember to assign the user's category or location information in their profile - only then it will be substituted in place of the Snippet used. Read more here.

Some of the Snippets are powered automatically (such as forename, surname or e-mail). Others have to be filled in manually or (soon) fed by import via file.