⚙️ Postman Collection

Use the ready-made API requests in Postman to quickly send requests to the Gamfi API.

Before you begin using our API, create a free account on Gamfi: https://gamfi.com/free-trial/start-for-free

To start using the Gamfi API, go through a simple initialization process:

🚀 Quickstart

Click the button below to import the Gamfi API v1 Postman collection for this API into your Postman installation.



Postman URL: https://www.postman.com/gamfi-api/workspace/gamfi/collection/18172132-fbd85735-b1e3-44c8-9dcd-1b00e5dc454e

⚠️ Please note that to fork and add it to your workspace, you must have an account and be logged in to Postman.