🚀 Quickstart

This article provides comprehensive information on features, endpoints and how to use our API, enabling easy and effective integrations with the service.

Quick start

To start using the Gamfi API, go through a simple initialization process:
  1. Authorization: Before using the API, review the authorization section to properly authenticate requests.
  2. Registering and obtaining an API key: Log in to our application and generate an API key to access our services.
  3. Examples of use: In the "Examples of use" section, you will find sample requests to quickly start using our API.

Supported HTTP Methods

Gamfi API supports various HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. Each method is designed for specific functions in the service.

1. Authorization

To use the Gamfi API, you must have the application and a registered and active user account with administrator privileges. Log in to Gamfi to get a token (Bearer), which you will use to generate an API key.

Example cURL:

curl --location 'https://{app_name}.gamfi.io/api/app_api_admin.php/v1/auth/email/1/login' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "email": "{john.doe@gamfi.com}",
  "password": "{password}"

In place:

  • {app_name} - insert the name of your application
  • {email} - insert email address of your user account
  • {password} - insert the password of your user account

In case of a correct answer (200) you will receive:

    "code": 200,
  "response": "88a4d71d-4e30-4bf7-8b74-18ed8ca2614d"
  • response - is your authorization token (Bearer) to be used in the next step.

2. Registration and obtaining an API key

Once you have the token (Bearer), you can generate an API key, which is required to use our service via API. Generate a new key.

Example cURL:

curl --location --request PUT 'https://{app_name}.gamfi.io/api/app_api_admin.php/v1/api-access/user/' \
--header 'X-Samus-Authorization: Bearer {token}'

In place:

  • {app_name} - insert the name of your application
  • {token} - insert the token you received in the first step (Bearer)

In case of a correct answer (200) you will receive:

    "code": 200,
    "response": {
      "apiKey": "e7iuHI7uhNdnwGlkPjVw_QIAVGekKKOpxqZD8jA7BRHLBVghnPMOSwQ7QwgLc0wI",
      "apiSecret": "REvVqetagK1XnplyVnHF4Aw6BH4DvHfU",
        "lastUsed": null
  • apiKey - this is your API key
  • apiSecret - this is your API secret

apiKey and apiSecret are two key elements used in the authentication process when using the Gamfi API. Both are used to provide secure access to the resources and features provided by our API. 

⚠️ Do not give your API keys or API secrets to third parties who are not trusted and authorized users. Do not place your API keys or API secrets in source code, files or other publicly accessible places. Keep this information in a secure and confidential environment.

3. Examples of usage

After generating apiKey and apiSecret, you can use ready-made endpoints, which are responsible for the execution of individual operations in the Gamfi application. Explore the possibilities of our API:

User management

Managing processes and workflows

Downloading reports