How to log in to the Admin Panel?

You get access to the Admin Panel when you launch your Gamfi Application. The panel is accessible from a web browser on any device at the address of your Application with the suffix: /panel

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You can read about the first login to the Application here.

How to sign in to the Panel step by step:

  1. Let's assume that the address of your Application is
  2. Go there and click "Sign in," then enter your email address
  3. A link to set the password will come to your mailbox. For security reasons, the link is active for 60 minutes only.
  4. Set a password, remembering that it should consist of a minimum of 8 characters, 1 capital letter, 1 special character, 1 digit.
  5. Go to and log in using the same login data.

If you have already used the Application as a user before and have now been given Administrator privileges, you can of course skip steps 1-4 and log in to the Panel right away.

⚠️ If you can't sign in to the Panel, you probably don't have the right permissions. Contact your organization's Application Administrator or check out the article: Adding an Administrator.