What is the Gamfi app used for?

Gamfi application is a comprehensive application for automating Processes, including those of boarding (onboarding, preboarding, offboarding, reboarding, position deployments, etc.) or training ones.

It provides the ability to standardize and automate Processes, scale existing Processes to any number of employees or monitor their progress.

Although on the organization's side the different stages of Processes have different owners (HR, IT, administration, HR, supervisor, etc.), from the employees' perspective the flow of these Processes should be a single, consistent experience.

The Gamfi application automates and streamlines the work of all those involved in the Process on the organization's side, while creating one convenient Process interface for the employee.

How does it work?

You create a Workflow - a template for an onboarding path, offboarding or other Process. You add a user and start a Process for him/her, based on the created Workflow, associated with a specific date (e.g. date of employment). And that's it! All the rest is done for you by the application.

The Gamfi application is:

  • offered in the SaaS Cloud model
  • available in multiple languages
  • available in a web browser (PWA)
  • available in mobile version
  • fully compliant with RODO (in English: GDPR)
  • constantly expanded with integrations with external tools
  • verified for safety
  • available with no-code implementation, requiring no IT support.

Gamfi's application was created using the PWA (Progressive Web Apps) system - it is a progressive web application that runs just like a regular website, but allows you to create an experience of running like a native mobile app or desktop application.

💡 This way, you don't have to make your employees install additional applications on their devices - to access the Gamfi App, all you have to do is use any web browser and enter the established web address.

Two main views make up the application:

  1. A user portal, available under the domain type www.twojanazwa.gamfi.io, where users are provided with, among other things, all tasks and training scheduled in the Process.
  2. Admin panel, available under the domain type www.twojanazwa.gamfi.io/panel, where you manage the application.

Access to both views is possible only on the basis of previously granted Administrator rights or a user account created by the Administrator.

The implementation of the Gamfi Application is a measurable value for the company:

  • 21% shorter time of onboarding into the organization
  • 40% time saved for managers and HR
  • 15% lower cost of employee onboarding
  • 71% greater employee engagement